your mind as a palace

Consists of assignments in class, personal and group research.
Mine is a map that shows the journey of growing up in a predominantly white city, feeling different all the time and then becoming older, moving back to the big city and starting to develop myself more.
So I was thinnking about the limits of my body. Then came to the insight that I'm able to determine my own limits with my mind. My body will react accordingly. I beleve body and mind are connected. In my map: the blue lines represent the thauguts of your limits and the red lines the expression of those thaughts in limits.
For mine I looked at what I have been doing (works focused on limits) that tie in to this topic. One was called "The Isolated Private" (which was a performance/installation portraying my experience of “the private”. The installation shows a combination of aspects that make up my isolation space. The performance given from within the installation, is an exaggerated, repetitive near choreographic act based upon my behavior in prolonged isolation) and "The Painbook" (A documentation of my physical pain, given as an invitation to learn more about a part of my life I do not talk about much. It is therefore only seen by those taken into trust. Everything in the book had been personally made. Out of the believe that this would make the invitation a gift out of a pure place of love. The introduction includes a message saying there is not an expectation of reaction and that the invitee is welcome to do whatever they seem fit after having read it.) And then the other parts, more connected are examples of breaking out of these limits, so bodily and societal limits (which we talked about a bit already), talking about Utopia, Alter-ego's, Dungeons and Dragons (a roleplaying, tabletop game, in which you build your own world and thus your own society with its' standards), Cosplay and Independent community (so off-grid, not tied to the network of the government, which would maybe allow for a platform in which ppl could develop new norms and values?? idk).
- The form in which we executed it

-We all didn't take "body" as our literal "bodies", and gave it our own concept
- All based upon our own experiences/opinions
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An article that came out after the KABK show, themed Utopia/Dystopia
Design choices, process and final work
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Everyone who lives thinks.

Thinking is talking to yourself.

The way you talk to yourself, influences your mental well-being.

You can feed your mental well-being and create freedom within yourself, no matter the situation.

You can create a space within your mental-self, a space you can occupy and shape to your liking, to your needs.

Needs like safety, tranquillity, creativity, wholesomeness, po
wer or control and, above all, freedom.

Freedom within yourself is like a flower coming to flourish.
Designing the mind palace
Enter the mind palace
Designing the legend
Legend execution
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Final presenter

Hedendaags Luilekkerland. (2016, 11 februari). Geraadpleegd van

Utopia Dystopia. (2019). Geraadpleegd van

The Koppel Project - Utopia Through Nostalgia. (2019, 29 januari). Geraadpleegd van

Adiós Utopia: Dreams and Deceptions in Cuban Art Since 1950. (2018). Geraadpleegd van

UTOPIA. (2017). Geraadpleegd van

Missing values. (z.d.). Geraadpleegd van

Plattel, M. G. (1975). De rode en gouden toekomst. Amsterdam, Nederland: Ambo.

Yalom, I. (2012). Het raadsel Spinoza. Amsterdam, Nederland: Balans.